They come to realise that they are the reincarnations of four people who were caught up in the machinations of an evil sorcerer-king in India’s distant past.
The Return of Ravana series tells the story of four modern teenagers, who find themselves in peril from ghosts of the past. To learn more about The Ramayana, please click here. I originally envisaged a single-book tale, but it became a four-book series after I shared some red wine with Mike Bryan, then CEO of Penguin India, and took up his suggestion that I incorporate aspects of the Ramayana, the great Indian epic of love, revenge, fidelity and war. The Moontide Quartet has everything I am looking for when I want a truly epic feel and Unholy War is a very worthy continuation of a good thing Fantasy Review Barn The sense of chaos, endless politicking between factions and urge by characters to make sense out of events beyond their control is palpable as the pace becomes more and more frantic Upcoming4.Me Filled with action. Mage’s Blood is the first of four books in The Moontide Quartet. The third and fourth book are titled Unholy War and Ascendant’s Rite, respectively. From there, my imagination took flight, and the story was born. Mage’s Blood is the first book in The Moontide Quartet series and is followed by its sequel, The Scarlet Tides. The ‘genesis moment’ for the tale came from visiting the mighty Mehrangarh fortress in Jodhpur, where the handprints of the wives of the Maharaja, burnt on his funeral pyre, had been preserved beside an inner gate. So long for the difficult second book-Hair seems to handle these with ease and Im already looking forward to the third one even though its so far away. A remarkable series SFFANZ Promises to recall epic fantasys finest Tor.com on the Moontide Quartet Represents modern epic fantasy at its best Fantasy Book Critic on the Moontide Quartet Increasingly addictive.Adult fantasy lovers who enjoy historical fiction and intricate political plots will love this book. It certainly changed how I see the world, and of course, had an effect on my writing, the most obvious being that I had an idea for a story set in India. Praise For Scarlet Tides (The Moontide Quartet 2) ' Scarlet Tides is simply faster, better and even more satisfying that its prequel. We lived there until September 2010, and saw a lot of the most famous tourist sites, met many fantastic people, and really did have the experience of a lifetime.īeing in a country littered with ancient fortifications and palace, with living descendants of some extraordinary events, and so much colour and chaos, naturally had an impact on us both. The Magi are hell-bent on ruling this new world, and for the last two Moontides they have led armies across the bridge on "crusades of conquest." Now, the third Moontide is almost here, and this time the people of the East are ready for a fight…but it is three seemingly ordinary people that will decide the fate of the world.In May 2007 I de-camped to New Delhi in India with my wife Kerry.

Most of the time the Moontide Bridge lies deep below the sea, but every twelve years the tides sink and the bridge is revealed, its gates open for trade. This strong debut should draw in fantasy readers of all stripes." All events from the beginning of the series have led up to this point and astonishingly enough it was all.

As we enter the final instalment of David Hairs series, it is finally revealed to us the devastating plan that Living Saint Lucia Sacrecour and her committee have come up with for this crusade.

Hair portrays a stark and beautiful world breaking apart, with both good and evil characters desperate to reshape it through magic, war, and treachery. The Moontide Quartet book 4: Ascendants Rite. In a starred review of Mage's Blood, Publisher's Weekly said, "This multilayered beginning to the Moontide Quartet plunges readers into a taut network of intrigue and mystery that tightens with each chapter. Mage's Blood, the first volume of a series called The Moontide Quartet, is Hair's first work of adult fantasy. David Hair is the award-winning writer of two young adult fiction series, The Aotearoa and The Return of Ravana (based on the Vedic epic The Ramayana).